How Robotic Welding Neck Inspection Fixtures Boost Productivity

Robotic peripherals are an often-overlooked part of a robotic welding system, but these peripherals can have a major impact on productivity and profitability. Whether it’s contact tips or consumables, robotic welding accessories can help unlock the full return on investment (ROI) potential of a robotic welding system.
Robotic welding neck inspection fixtures, in particular, can be a source of productivity, or more accurately, a way to avoid being unproductive. There are several ways in which robotic welding neck inspection fixtures benefits manufacturers.
How Do Robotic Welding Neck Inspection Fixtures Work?
A robotic welding neck inspection fixture tests the tolerance of a welding gun’s neck. The purpose of this is to verify the welding gun is at the intended tool center point (TCP). This ensures that no welding mistakes are caused by the welding gun being moved out of position from an impact or bending from normal weld use.
Robotic welding neck inspection fixtures make maintaining accuracy in the welding process much easier for operators. They simply have to verify the welding gun’s tolerance and adjust the neck accordingly. It’s a quick and easy process that helps ensure accurate, quality welds.
How Do Robotic Welding Neck Inspection Fixtures Contribute to Productivity?
By ensuring the welding gun is in the intended position, as programmed, costly rework and downtime are avoided. When a welding gun is not in the correct position, the robot will not weld as programmed, wasting precious time and resources. Verifying the welding gun’s position is a simple way to promote system uptime and ensure accuracy.
Also, operations with several robotic welding work cells may have to exchange necks from one robot to another on a regular basis. A robotic welding neck inspection fixture ensures each time a neck is exchanged, it is installed properly so the robot can weld as it’s programmed. In this instance, a lot of lost time and confusion can be avoided by simply checking that the welding gun is working properly.
Inspection fixtures may be an accessory to a robotic welding system, but they can be an important driver of uptime and productivity, particularly in applications where several systems are being operated simultaneously.
Automation peripherals are often overlooked when it comes to a robotic welding system, despite their ability to unlock the full productivity potential of an automated workcell. Inspection fixtures are a quick and easy way to boost productivity.
If you’re looking to improve the productivity of your robotic welding operation, browse a variety of automation peripherals intended to improve robotic welding performance.
Posted in Robotic Welding